Brinden, a wife and mother of three children, was selected as the winner of Comcast Network’s Television Show (“It's Your Call”) hosted by CN8's Emmy Award winning Political Director Lynn Doyle. Dr. Robert Marus, the AACD accredited member in the Princeton / Philadelphia area, was selected to design and host the smile makeover segment for Brinden Tucci.

Amazingly, just a year and a half prior to Mrs. Tucci’s appearance on the show, she weighed nearly 300 pounds and was facing life threatening issues relating to her obesity.

Underlying issues of low self-esteem, which manifested itself as overeating and smoking, sky-rocketed Brinden’s weight to this dangerously high level.

In order to correct this trend, she opted for gastric bypass surgery and was able to lose over 135 pounds in 18 months. Unfortunately, this rapid weight loss left Brinden with unsightly excess skin around the stomach, arms, legs and face. It was clear that Brinden would benefit from cosmetic surgery.

However, no transformation is complete without a new smile, crucial part of a complete transformation, and one of the easiest ways to dramatically improve your appearance. Additionally, it offers a degree of permanence that other plastic procedures do not.

Dr. Marus’ treatment consisted of whitening and the placement of 10 porcelain veneers. This treatment was designed to change the color, size, shape and alignment of the dentition as well as reshape the gingival contour and proportion.

After the cosmetic surgery was performed and the smile makeover was completed the final Transformation Show was aired by Comcast to reveal
the new Brinden Tucci. Brinden’s new smile added to her enthusiasm and self-confidence. When Brinden walked onto that final show, her demeanor and look was one of a supermodel!

Brinden’s new smile was phenomenal. It gave her a more youthful look and enhanced her beauty as well as her self esteem!